When children, pets, or extreme temperatures have damaged parts of your lawn, it’s easy to use new sod or sow seeds to fix it. The same type of grass and simply cut the grass with a knife to fit neatly into the damaged area. If you have a seed mix, simply sprinkle seeds and about an eighth of an inch of compost on top, keeping those sections moist until established, about two weeks for weed and eight weeks for seed. Dog poop is one of the most common causes of lawn baldness, as urine is so acidic that it creates inhospitable growing conditions for lawns. If possible, flush your lawn with water as soon as you notice urine or dirt to prevent damage. Once you have a bare area, repair it by flushing the area with water, then adding a small amount of horticultural lime to correct the pH and a small amount of compost and grass seed to fill in the bare area. While many people think of lawn care as just a matter of mowing and blowing, there is actually much more to keeping your lawn healthy and beautiful over the long term. Here’s an overview of the best practices to follow when looking after your lawn.
- What is landscaping and lawn care?
Landscaping and lawn care is to best to mow high, mow often, and leave clippings on the lawn to decompose and feed beneficial microbes in the soil. Remove no more than a third of the grass height each time you mow, try to keep the grass 3 to 4 inches tall, and mow often enough so that clippings don’t clump together if you leave them on the lawn and creates an unsightly mess.
- Pull out the grass trimmer to cut grass in areas your mower can’t reach, such as around tree rings, uneven masonry edges, or debris in the lawn.
- Even if you have an automatic watering system, you should not fall on your fingers when watering. Check the moisture level of your lawn regularly to make sure it isn’t soggy or dry, as weather changes have an obvious impact on how much water is needed.
- Brian Bean of Nature’s Select in Winston Salem, NC recommends seven different treatments per year with different nutrient ratios to keep your lawn at its best. better able to compete with weeds.
- Lawn grass prefers a pH of around 6.5 to 7 to utilize existing nutrients in the soil. If you have a lot of moss in the soil, this is an indication that your soil is too acidic. for lawns, Lawn care companies apply lime at least once a year to keep the soil pH in the proper range.